Student Mental Health Day

Student Mental Health Day

Unit price per

Student Mental Health Day

Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2-3pm
Mill Creek Gardens - 8839 Mill Creek Drive, Marshfield, Wisconsin
Cost: $5/person

Plants make people happy...including teens + tweens! What happens in our brains + bodies when we connect with nature through gardening, playing in the dirt, + basking in the sun? This event is for students from ages 12-19. 

  • We'll get our hands dirty + each student will take an easy care plant home with them.
  • We'll eat fresh + tasty snacks.
  • We'll learn about our brains on plants.  

Carissa Weber, MA, LPC, CSAC, of The Joyful Mind, LLC will teach students how nature changes our brain + has the potential to improve our mental health.  We’ll also discuss how to develop healthy coping skills while getting off our screens + out of our heads for an afternoon. 

The cost of the seminar is $5/person – reservations required; space is limited.  If cost is an issue for you, please reach out to Mill Creek as scholarships are available.