Overwatering is often the main cause of houseplant failure. Winter air can dry the top layer of soil, causing us to water more frequently. However, it’s important to check for moisture at least one inch down in the soil. During the winter months, many houseplants actually require less water as they go through a period of dormancy, and oftentimes they only require enough water to keep the soil moist.
While houseplants may benefit from being watered on an as-needed basis instead of a set schedule during the winter months, there are additional considerations, such as humidity levels, to take into account. With many houseplants being tropical, they may benefit from misting, especially during those times when we fire up the furnace. Mist your plants with a hand sprayer or add humidity by placing a humidifier in the room.
Give your plants a winter spa treatment. A plant’s leaves accumulate dust over time, clogging a plant’s pores, and preventing the plant from “breathing.” Gently wash the entire plant or take a damp cloth and wipe the leaves regularly.
At Mill Creek Gardens, we are currently busy in the greenhouse growing and caring for houseplants to get them ready for you to take home and enjoy! Stop in, we'd love to chat plants with you!