Perfect [+ easy!] Gifts for Mom

Perfect [+ easy!] Gifts for Mom

By Jennifer LaMontagne

Perfect [+ easy!] Gifts for Mom

Mill Creek is your one stop shop for finding all kinds of gifts for mom or any special woman in your life!

For the Garden Mom - Our hanging baskets are popular pick!  Pair it with a watering can, garden tools, and a plantable seed card!  You can also add perennials, such as joe-pye weed or yarrow (both attract pollinators). We've also got beautiful, smaller plants like magnificent moss roses or colorful coleus.  


For the Houseplant-Enthusiast Mom- A plant mister, neem oil plant spray, and a decorative planter with one of our houseplants would make a great gift!  Gold violin philodendron and variegated pearls are just a couple of our rare houseplants.  Tineke ficus and marble queen pothos are among our more common houseplants and we've got many more! 


For the Tea-Loving Mom- Combine one of our several fun, floral-inspired flavors of teas with a cute mug and an herb, such as mojito mint or lemon balm.

For the Eco-Friendly Mom- Get Mom one of our soaps or lotion from our refillery.  She'll love our beeswax wraps, unpaper paper towels (reusable paper towels), and reusable straws.  Add our Mill Creek grown herbs and perennials to make a great gift combo for the eco-friendly mom! 

For the Moms with little kiddos - We have kids books, kid garden tools, watering cans, and kid planters.  Pair those with an easy to care for plant, such as spider plants or succulents, and you have the perfect gift for a mom with young kids!



A little extra Self-Care for Mom - We have writing journals, candles, bath bombs, soaps, lip balm, and lotion all made from sustainable + gentle ingredients.  Pair any of these with our lavender plants to melt stress away.

Stop by Mill Creek to check out all the great gifts we have to give to your mom! 



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