Refreshing The Garden as Fall Draws Near...
With the end of summer near, it’s a great time to spruce up your garden and add some color to get ready for autumn. Follow these 5 tips!
Make sure to keep watering plants a few times a week into late fall. This will protect plants and encourage maximum growth.
Continue to deadhead and prune to keep flowers looking fresh. Harvest herbs, such as basil, parsley, and cilantro for a fresh crop in the fall.
Remove new growth on vegetable plants, such as tomatoes and peppers, as they won’t have enough time to mature before the first frost.
Replace the spent spring and summer annuals with fall plants, such as ornamental kale and grasses, to spruce up your potted containers. Plant fall mums to add brilliant autumn colors to your garden. We will have our gorgeous mosaic mums available very soon!
Divide well-stablished perennials to make a more beautiful garden next year. These include daylilies, irises, and hostas.
For inspiration as you refresh your garden and containers, stop by Mill Creek!