Have you heard?
Fall is a GREAT TIME to plant perennials!
Autumn is almost upon us, but that doesn’t mean that your planting season has to end. Here are four fantastic reasons why fall planting can be more beneficial than spring planting.
1. Cooler Air Temperature - If you plant a shrub in spring, it must acclimate itself to its new home and begin growing immediately. At the same time, it has to produce leaves, flowers, and then endure the rapidly arriving summer heat. Plant the same shrub in fall, and it becomes happily dormant above ground soon after planting, but the roots have time to grow and become comfortable and strong in their new home. Then, when spring arrives, the plant is established and ready to put out strong leaves, new top growth, and lots of flowers.
2. Warm Soil Temperature - Favorable soil temperatures and moisture conditions promote the root growth needed to sustain plants through their critical first year. Top growth is suspended and new root growth is encouraged when the air temperatures are cooler than the soil. This results in a stronger, more developed root system when the plants begin to grow next spring.
3. Fewer Pests - Less pests in the fall means less stress on the plants and you when you’re out in the garden.
4. Less Weed Competition - In the spring, weeds compete for water, light, and nutrients, which can be a struggle for new plants. In the fall, there are less weeds, so new plants don’t have to compete as much.
We want to remind you that we now have shrubs + perennials available! So, stop by Mill Creek + check out selection of hardy plants + gorgeous mums!